Debt isn't neccesarily a bad thing, in fact debt like cash is a useful tool. Debt can allow one to leverage assets in order to buy an asset that will increase in value down the road. A house or land for example.
However bad debt will simply eat up your money like a crack addict, to buy a mere entertainment item by going thousands of dollars into debt is just plain foolish.
Yet flat screen TV's were all the rage this past Christmas.
so let me understand this, going into debt to buy an item that wastes your time and freedom is somehow what the majority of Americans wanted this past Christmas?
So when they are busting their collective humps this June to try and pay off that silly television and complaining all the while, I should somehow feel badly for them as I go on an extended vacation?
Fat Chance.
The savings program is going ahead of schedule, I did splurge a bit and bought Chinese for lunch today.
A whopping 4 dollars....
So far I am 4,500 dollars away from my goal of 5,000.
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