On the "news" today we are regailed with stories of the Guerrilla Attack on BOSTON!
The pre dawn raid started quitely enough, assailants unknown attached devices to the sub structures of the busiest bridges in Boston.
The fact that this could be done with security levels on "heightened" isn't surprising really, after all the Govt's heightened may not be your own personal "heightened".
The plot thickens, the devices had foreign emblems on the them vague shapes that appeared to be holding weapons of some sort, there were blinking lights that may have been timers for the devices.
Well, it would seem that officer friendly rolled the Bomb Squad, the SWAT boys and Lord only knows "who" else showed up at the party.
With hearts beating a staccato rhythm in their chests the bomb squad slowly approached one such device after 10 hours,they destroyed the device, and found the culprits, the masterminds, the evil masterminds turned out to be two young men in their mid twenties who were running a Guerilla Marketing Campaign for the Cartoon Network, the signs were simple light brite type flashing message boards that had a newly created cartoon character on them...
Now the sight of the Chief of Police trying to act like this was a major threat is as comical as it was pitiful to watch.and to listen too.Not to be outdone the Chief of Police in Boston held their own press conference about this.Replete with the stern looks and head shaking.
Both tried, to make the situation seem dire, as if the"big one" had happened.
I guess the saying is true, "No one takes Marketers seriously" Unless of course you are begging for homeland (in) security money to cover the overtime for this nonsense that is.....
I think I can hear OBL laughing from his palatial cave in Pakistan, yes I think I can hear it from here.....
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