Friday, November 21, 2008

Rifle 1988..

With the current Rifle buying frenzy in the news, I think now would be a good time for some nostalgia courtesy of the July 1988 Shotgun News:

Sweidsh M-38 Carbine...90.00

Fr-7 .308 bolt action carbine...115.00


Chinese (Norinco) Ak-47's...275.00

M1 Garand...299.00

M1A..w 4 magazines...325.00


Belgian FAL...595.00

Steyr AUG (w25 magazines)...870.00

Belgian paratrooper FAL's...875.00

The M1A is a real bargain, AR's start at 600 dollars these days, clearly if and when the Obama Administration bans military patterned rifles, today's prices will seem like a real bargain, other good items to buy in the current 60 day window are Full Capacity Magazines for handguns, as well as Rifles, and Ammunition, sooner or later, today's prices will seem quite cheap in comparison to even two years from now.

I can remember clearly the zoom upwards in prices after the 1994 ban, one month a magazine for a Glock cost 12 dollars, the next month...45 dollars...


Anonymous said...

You do know, don't you, that Heller makes it unlikely that Barry is going to be able to get a renewed AW ban to stick. Which means that if he does sign a renewed AW ban into law, what he's going to do is lose at least one chamber in congress due to gun-owning America's outrage, and all for naught. I can't wait to see if the Democrats actually go there.

He might be able to get away with punitive excise taxes, though. We shall see. -- Bulgron

(I should get an open ID or something if I'm going to keep doing this.)

Anonymous said...

Those were the days.
It's buy Now or Pay later. (With high Prices)