One of my favorite places on the 'Net has closed down, IMO because of budget and bandwith concerns, to borrow from a book:
One door closes, another opens
That's life.
So if any of my fellow exiles from Knifeforums stops in, welcome aboard.
Today the similarity of Christ's wilderness time and the Zen concept of "no mind" is on my mind.
Jesus spent time in the wilderness after his cousin John the Baptist was beheaded, no one really knows what he did when he was on his solourn, but it would not be unreasonable to consider that he was emptying himself, to allow God to fill him with His will.
The Zen concept of Zazen, of clearing your mind of troubles or even thoughts would seem to me to fit nicely into what Christ taught by his actions.
So in that line of thought started waking at 5:45 am, to read the Scriptures and to perhaps excercise as well.
It's a nice time to catch up and prepare for the day, a page of Proverbs, meditated upon while lifting weights or
practicing Fencing is rather nice actually.
I am here. Let this not be parting of old friends, but rather a new beginning of conversations.
Thanks Fix, for the invite.
No problem SamW, I am shocked at hwo quickly the old forum was shuttered.
We did get a day to organize, and maybe Raju knows were we can have an actual webpage/Forum.
I've got some work to do this evening, but when I get a chance, I will check out go daddy and a couple of the other "1.99 a month" webhosting services.
Who knows what will happen, but what I do think is that we should stay in touch so that if a new forum is found, we can inform our friends.
Glad to see you SamW.
I will say that even the little warning that was given was better than none at all.
Here is my e-mail for any and all to contact me:
My wife had a page close without warning years ago. That was a sad day too.
I am more than happy to though in $$ where needed. I am concerned that some of the patrons that visit the knife forums might get lost to memory. I was the diverse ideals that was so stimulating. And what challenge me most.
Normally James has a yearly fundraiser, but this year there hasn't been one, and he is closing down a few more controversial forums so maybe he is trying to save bandwith?
My email is
And i'velooked at starting a website and it is a pain so I'll see if I can find a shake and bake one Samw.
I am not very internet savvy as far as how web pages work. I could educate myself of course. Just never thought it would be necessary.
There is plenty of room in my head for new info though.
I am curious about the cost of a similar web page as in the "knife forums". Maybe not as extensive, but maybe as diverse.
If funding was the issue alone, what would it take to keep the one we have enjoyed going?
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