Another Monday is upon us, another chance to start the work week for some, the begrudging start of another 5 days until the next weekend.
A slave with 2 days off is not free, rather they just have a good master........
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Why have we become a nation of ninnies and snopes?
After hearing ad infinitium about Ana Nicole's untimely (yet not unsurprising) demise, an all of the gory details about who was the "baby Daddy" and who wasn't, it became apparent that th US has become a nation of ninnyhammers and window peepers and vicarious morons
Why in the world should anyone care about Mrs. Smith's private life and sexual piccadillios? I submit that the reason isn't some repressed sexual urge, rather many people like to examine other people's lives just for the heck of it, as if they could pull some meaning for their own life out of her train wreck of a life.
My goodness this whole episode gives me a view of America populated by flabby arms injecting insulin to control that dietary diabetes all the while clucking like old hens at Smith's life. Put down the remote, take a walk and do try and put the National Enquirer mindset to death if you please, you are ruining a fine country.
Why in the world should anyone care about Mrs. Smith's private life and sexual piccadillios? I submit that the reason isn't some repressed sexual urge, rather many people like to examine other people's lives just for the heck of it, as if they could pull some meaning for their own life out of her train wreck of a life.
My goodness this whole episode gives me a view of America populated by flabby arms injecting insulin to control that dietary diabetes all the while clucking like old hens at Smith's life. Put down the remote, take a walk and do try and put the National Enquirer mindset to death if you please, you are ruining a fine country.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Take some time to relax...
Life today is hectic, even trying to live at a slow pace is a chore. We simply are covered with ways to get that "important message" or there always seems to be some brush fire burning somewhere at sometime in all of our lives.
Why not take the time to relax and just enjoy whatever it is that one likes to enjoy? Be that reading or sleeping or laughing or writing on a blog? Who will it hurt to take a day off? The world won't end (I promise), those pressing issues will still be there tomorrow like orphaned cats.
Think about this, by taking a day off, you have luxury that even the richest cannot afford, time to yourself. to do whatever. I spent my precious quiet time looking for obsolete computer programs, or course I found two alarm clocks that will work perfectly on an old laptop/alarm clock/fax machine/checkbook balancer/scheduler/ and word processor......
Next up:
The intricacies of Pacifism and Civil Disobedience..
Why not take the time to relax and just enjoy whatever it is that one likes to enjoy? Be that reading or sleeping or laughing or writing on a blog? Who will it hurt to take a day off? The world won't end (I promise), those pressing issues will still be there tomorrow like orphaned cats.
Think about this, by taking a day off, you have luxury that even the richest cannot afford, time to yourself. to do whatever. I spent my precious quiet time looking for obsolete computer programs, or course I found two alarm clocks that will work perfectly on an old laptop/alarm clock/fax machine/checkbook balancer/scheduler/ and word processor......
Next up:
The intricacies of Pacifism and Civil Disobedience..
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Let's do things better
It has been my opinion that one thing that freedom loving people lack is positivity, there are no silver linings, and there never is any achievement. Perhaps this is foundational for freedom loving people, because we are externally driven, we are always reacting to external events, rather than influencing events, we become victims of circumstance.
This can lead to bitterness and extreme cynicism to the point that it paralyzes our ability to actually wake up in the morning and enjoy life.
That is a mistake As an old martial arts instructor once said:\
"If I go down 7 times, on the 8th I rise again,"
Here are some great general rules for living a more productive (or at least a happier life)
This can lead to bitterness and extreme cynicism to the point that it paralyzes our ability to actually wake up in the morning and enjoy life.
That is a mistake As an old martial arts instructor once said:\
"If I go down 7 times, on the 8th I rise again,"
Here are some great general rules for living a more productive (or at least a happier life)
Achieving your dreams and goals depends on several factors:
1. You should have a specific goal.
2. You have to be sure that you really want to achieve your goal.
3. You need to have a clear mental image of your goal.
4. You need a strong desire.
5. You need to disregard and reject doubts and thoughts about failure.
6. Show confidence and faith and persevere until you gain success
Now one's goal could be almost anything, However for one's piece of mind, it would be better if the goal is internal and personal. Don't let the bastards drag you down by fighting their fight, fight your own battle.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The wonder shovel
I recently picked up a cold steel shovel for the whopping price of 19.00 (Before the current austerity program)
The shovel accompanied me on camping trip and I was surprised at how useful this thing really is.
I used it to chop fire wood, as spatula, as a throwing knife, to dig my fire pit, to throw sand on my fire pit and to clear brush away from my campsite.
It comes with a useful sheath that has both belt loops and a tab to run a rope through and to tie it off to your back pack. I woudl imagine that it would make a useful self defense tool as well.
For 19.00, it is well worth the money I highly recommend one for the trunk or the bug out bag.
The shovel accompanied me on camping trip and I was surprised at how useful this thing really is.
I used it to chop fire wood, as spatula, as a throwing knife, to dig my fire pit, to throw sand on my fire pit and to clear brush away from my campsite.
It comes with a useful sheath that has both belt loops and a tab to run a rope through and to tie it off to your back pack. I woudl imagine that it would make a useful self defense tool as well.
For 19.00, it is well worth the money I highly recommend one for the trunk or the bug out bag.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Firearms getting to be harder to find? Or is that guts?
Read a couple of news blurbs that "Firearms dealers are having a hard time keeping inventories".at a few of my best sources.
To that I would say "Really?"
America is awash in firearms, the last estimates were that the there were 200 million firearms in America in private hands. That is an amazing number and also illustrative of one of the problems in America, we have plenty of tools, they jsut aren't being used. A sort of "If five are good, ten is better" way of thinking.
When was the last time one of even five were used at the range or just plinking with some friends? Or even carried?
No lack of firearms availabliity is not a problem, lack of a willingness to use the ones that are out in private hands is, that boils down to a lack of guts, or desire or maybe both, either way the effect is the same.
I do have to wonder how many folks even bought a hunting license or even tested the ones that already DO have in the last year?
To that I would say "Really?"
America is awash in firearms, the last estimates were that the there were 200 million firearms in America in private hands. That is an amazing number and also illustrative of one of the problems in America, we have plenty of tools, they jsut aren't being used. A sort of "If five are good, ten is better" way of thinking.
When was the last time one of even five were used at the range or just plinking with some friends? Or even carried?
No lack of firearms availabliity is not a problem, lack of a willingness to use the ones that are out in private hands is, that boils down to a lack of guts, or desire or maybe both, either way the effect is the same.
I do have to wonder how many folks even bought a hunting license or even tested the ones that already DO have in the last year?
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Microsoft Vista for dummies
All of the hoopla over microsoft releasing it's new Vista operating system is somewhat surprising.
5 years in the making Vista is the "leading edge" of Microsoft efforts.
This is the same Microsoft that gave federal judge a Windows computer that would not boot up to a splash screen.
With this in mind perhaps a few primers are in order some "how to's" if you will..
1. Buy the Vista upgrade, it's cheaper and can scan you computer for compatibility
2. Poor stiff drink and wait the two hours while it "checks" your system.
3. When it then tells you that your system will not support Vista gulp drink down in one gulp and dial Microsoft Support, poor another stiff drink and wait.
4. After you hear the busy signal for 20 minutes, down second drink
5. Try to remove Vista from your XP machine pour another stiff drink
6. After you find your XP restore disks, take fourth and final stiff drink, call into work tomorrow and tell them that Microsoft has caused you to miss work with a hangover.
That is more than likely the only way that you will ever get any use out of Vista......:)
Seriously though, from what I have read about Vista, it a dud. It also contains the death knell for computing as we formerly knew it, the days of downloading and burning a CD or DVD has been effectively sounded
Which is a good thing really, Users now have a clear choice, you can go along with the idea that you merely rent the content of your computer, with M$ being the official hall monitor for the Hollywood types, and the recording studio types, or you can *gasp* learn to use Linux or Mac. Or you can go retrograde, win2000 still works just fine, as does WinME *gasp* ME? that is a the worst OS ever!!!!!
No, actually it runs just fine I've used it for years with -0- problems you can also use handy tools like Lite PC on it, and remove the bloat, my recording laptop boots up within 15 seconds using Lite PC.
Besides, removing Internet Explorer is pure liberty ladened joy.
A good website with tweaks for ME can be found here:
And you have "permission" to dump Microsofts Darth Vader lite bloatware and move to Linux, really, it's fine Bill already is quite rich (so wealthy in fact, he would lose money on a per minute basis if he bent over and picked up a 100 dollar bill)
5 years in the making Vista is the "leading edge" of Microsoft efforts.
This is the same Microsoft that gave federal judge a Windows computer that would not boot up to a splash screen.
With this in mind perhaps a few primers are in order some "how to's" if you will..
1. Buy the Vista upgrade, it's cheaper and can scan you computer for compatibility
2. Poor stiff drink and wait the two hours while it "checks" your system.
3. When it then tells you that your system will not support Vista gulp drink down in one gulp and dial Microsoft Support, poor another stiff drink and wait.
4. After you hear the busy signal for 20 minutes, down second drink
5. Try to remove Vista from your XP machine pour another stiff drink
6. After you find your XP restore disks, take fourth and final stiff drink, call into work tomorrow and tell them that Microsoft has caused you to miss work with a hangover.
That is more than likely the only way that you will ever get any use out of Vista......:)
Seriously though, from what I have read about Vista, it a dud. It also contains the death knell for computing as we formerly knew it, the days of downloading and burning a CD or DVD has been effectively sounded
Which is a good thing really, Users now have a clear choice, you can go along with the idea that you merely rent the content of your computer, with M$ being the official hall monitor for the Hollywood types, and the recording studio types, or you can *gasp* learn to use Linux or Mac. Or you can go retrograde, win2000 still works just fine, as does WinME *gasp* ME? that is a the worst OS ever!!!!!
No, actually it runs just fine I've used it for years with -0- problems you can also use handy tools like Lite PC on it, and remove the bloat, my recording laptop boots up within 15 seconds using Lite PC.
Besides, removing Internet Explorer is pure liberty ladened joy.
A good website with tweaks for ME can be found here:
And you have "permission" to dump Microsofts Darth Vader lite bloatware and move to Linux, really, it's fine Bill already is quite rich (so wealthy in fact, he would lose money on a per minute basis if he bent over and picked up a 100 dollar bill)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Guerilla's Attack Boston
On the "news" today we are regailed with stories of the Guerrilla Attack on BOSTON!
The pre dawn raid started quitely enough, assailants unknown attached devices to the sub structures of the busiest bridges in Boston.
The fact that this could be done with security levels on "heightened" isn't surprising really, after all the Govt's heightened may not be your own personal "heightened".
The plot thickens, the devices had foreign emblems on the them vague shapes that appeared to be holding weapons of some sort, there were blinking lights that may have been timers for the devices.
Well, it would seem that officer friendly rolled the Bomb Squad, the SWAT boys and Lord only knows "who" else showed up at the party.
With hearts beating a staccato rhythm in their chests the bomb squad slowly approached one such device after 10 hours,they destroyed the device, and found the culprits, the masterminds, the evil masterminds turned out to be two young men in their mid twenties who were running a Guerilla Marketing Campaign for the Cartoon Network, the signs were simple light brite type flashing message boards that had a newly created cartoon character on them...
Now the sight of the Chief of Police trying to act like this was a major threat is as comical as it was pitiful to watch.and to listen too.Not to be outdone the Chief of Police in Boston held their own press conference about this.Replete with the stern looks and head shaking.
Both tried, to make the situation seem dire, as if the"big one" had happened.
I guess the saying is true, "No one takes Marketers seriously" Unless of course you are begging for homeland (in) security money to cover the overtime for this nonsense that is.....
I think I can hear OBL laughing from his palatial cave in Pakistan, yes I think I can hear it from here.....
The pre dawn raid started quitely enough, assailants unknown attached devices to the sub structures of the busiest bridges in Boston.
The fact that this could be done with security levels on "heightened" isn't surprising really, after all the Govt's heightened may not be your own personal "heightened".
The plot thickens, the devices had foreign emblems on the them vague shapes that appeared to be holding weapons of some sort, there were blinking lights that may have been timers for the devices.
Well, it would seem that officer friendly rolled the Bomb Squad, the SWAT boys and Lord only knows "who" else showed up at the party.
With hearts beating a staccato rhythm in their chests the bomb squad slowly approached one such device after 10 hours,they destroyed the device, and found the culprits, the masterminds, the evil masterminds turned out to be two young men in their mid twenties who were running a Guerilla Marketing Campaign for the Cartoon Network, the signs were simple light brite type flashing message boards that had a newly created cartoon character on them...
Now the sight of the Chief of Police trying to act like this was a major threat is as comical as it was pitiful to watch.and to listen too.Not to be outdone the Chief of Police in Boston held their own press conference about this.Replete with the stern looks and head shaking.
Both tried, to make the situation seem dire, as if the"big one" had happened.
I guess the saying is true, "No one takes Marketers seriously" Unless of course you are begging for homeland (in) security money to cover the overtime for this nonsense that is.....
I think I can hear OBL laughing from his palatial cave in Pakistan, yes I think I can hear it from here.....
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