Tuesday, August 21, 2007


With the survival of my favorite Christian Forum, the crisis has passed...sort of.

I have found that if something is marked for closing, then eventually it will be closed sooner or later, terrible, but that is the way it is.

So another forum has recently been put up for sale, and "IF" things can be worked out (Lord willing) then I will be able to purchase a piece of that forum and start a Christian sub forum on it.

I've made the offer, all that can be done is waiting for an answer.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Alas, the parting of old friends

One of my favorite places on the 'Net has closed down, IMO because of budget and bandwith concerns, to borrow from a book:

One door closes, another opens

That's life.

So if any of my fellow exiles from Knifeforums stops in, welcome aboard.

Today the similarity of Christ's wilderness time and the Zen concept of "no mind" is on my mind.

Jesus spent time in the wilderness after his cousin John the Baptist was beheaded, no one really knows what he did when he was on his solourn, but it would not be unreasonable to consider that he was emptying himself, to allow God to fill him with His will.

The Zen concept of Zazen, of clearing your mind of troubles or even thoughts would seem to me to fit nicely into what Christ taught by his actions.

So in that line of thought started waking at 5:45 am, to read the Scriptures and to perhaps excercise as well.

It's a nice time to catch up and prepare for the day, a page of Proverbs, meditated upon while lifting weights  or
practicing Fencing is rather nice actually.